Burdock Root Tea

Burdock Root

By Cat, April 2018 (image, right, from Nutrition and You (2))

I take burdock root in a tincture (from Swan Valley Herbs), to help my liver, but this tea would also be helpful. I’ve copied this from Mercola’s article without making any adaptations until I can test it. To save time, I would buy the already prepped burdock root from my local Swan Valley Herb store.

See also: 1. Beverages Menu; 2. Natural Healing Remedies Menu

Burdock-Root Tea

This herbal tea provides the following benefits (From Mercola’s article (1)); note that I have not included his references but they are listed on his article). The recipe that follows is also from the same article (1).

  • Promote antioxidant capabilities: The root contains antioxidants such as phenolic acids, quercetin and luteolin1(all of which may be transferred to the tea) that can shield the body against cell-damaging free radicals.
  • Promote diuretic effects: One of burdock root tea’s earliest uses was for detoxifying the body. It can also help purify the blood, and is known to induce sweating and urination. This effect may benefit your liver, kidneys and lymphatic system. Because it’s a diuretic, burdock root tea may cause the body to eliminate excess toxins, salts and water.
  • Serve as an anti-inflammatory: This drink may help people combat fever, aches, pains and joint disorders.
  • Help people with liver-related issues: For people with either cirrhosis or hepatitis, burdock root tea may assist in promoting liver cell regrowth. It may help people with blood-borne diseases or those who have a liver that’s been damaged heavily by alcohol consumption.
  • Enhance the immune system: Burdock root tea’s vitamin C content may improve your immune system and boost white blood cell production. Other immune-boosting effects this tea may offer include enhancing collagen production and promoting quicker healing and recovery after illness.
  • Promote better heart health: Burdock root tea has potassium that may help maintain normal blood pressure levels and serve as a vasodilator, which may lower your risk for atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes. This mineral is also important for heart health because it aids in maintaining fluid balance in the body.
  • Help lower risk for cancer: Quercetin and luteolin, both found in burdock root tea, possess antimutagenic properties. These nutrients eliminate free radicals, help prevent cellular mutation and reduce a person’s cancer risk.
  • Act as an expectorant and decongestant: If you have coughs, colds or flu-like symptoms, drinking burdock root tea may help alleviate them by targeting phlegm and mucus. Burdock root tea has antibacterial properties as well.
  • Alleviate hair issues: You can address concerns like hair loss and dandruff, and boost scalp and follicle health, as burdock root tea is known to contain helpful phytosterols in burdock root tea, while the burdock root plant contains hair-helping essential oils

Recipe notes:

  • A single-serving of this recipe makes 100 or more grams (about 3 1/2 ounces) of tea.
  • Should the burdock root turn limp and/or dry, soak it in water until it’s firm again
  • Burdock root tea may trigger allergic reactions, including dermatitis, among people who are sensitive to daises, chrysanthemums or ragweed. Should these adverse effects develop, stop drinking burdock root tea immediately. Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers should avoid this tea because there aren’t enough studies that confirm its safety for these groups.


  • 1 burdock root
  • 2 liters (a little over 2 quarts) of water


  1. Cut burdock root into thirds. Using a scouring pad, scrape off the dirt on its surface under running water. Do not peel the skin since most of its nutrients are in it. Cut the root into thin slices.
  2. Spread all the burdock on a bamboo sieve, cover with a nylon food cover and place under clear sun for one to two days until dry, pliable or almost crisp. If you are not comfortable drying your food in the sun or the weather is not cooperating, use a dehydrator.
  3. Place dried burdock in a pan with no oil or liquid. Stir constantly over low heat for 10 minutes until golden brown, crispy and fragrant.
  4. Let the burdock cool for 10 to 15 minutes. Store immediately in an airtight glass container. Seal it to prevent moisture.
  5. Burdock tea can be cooked or brewed. Boil the water. Add 10 grams (0.35 ounces) of burdock tea leaves and simmer for 10 minutes.
  6. If you want to make a single cup of burdock root tea, pour 185- to 212-degree Fahrenheit [filtered] water onto five to eight pieces of burdock tea leaves in a cup and brew for four to five minutes. Raw honey, chrysanthemum, red dates, wolf berries or mint leaves may be added to taste.


  1. Mercola recipe: articles.mercola.com/teas/burdock-root-tea.aspx
  2. Image: nutrition-and-you.com/burdock-root.html

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