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Aromatherapy: Essential Oil and Diffuser

Aromatherapy: Essential Oil and Diffuser

By Cat, Aug 2015 (Photo, right, from Wikimedia Commons)

I am just beginning to explore Essential Oils. I am experiencing adrenal exhaustion, typically caused or at least exacerbated by anxiety or other stressors. I am learning how to help my adrenal glands with herbs, but I believe I also need to address the anxiety, and that’s where the essential oils come into play. I’m starting with lavender oil, but there are a few others I’d like to try as well.

I note that most of the recommended oils for anxiety and/or stress are the main scent ingredients in the perfumes I used to use in my 20s and 30s: patchouli, sandalwood, bergamot and vetiver. Jasmine, for low energy or exhaustion (pertinent to my adrenal problem) is another one. Interesting!


The following is from the Truth About Cancer (6):

Keep in mind that not all essential oils are created equal! Essential oils that are readily found in drug stores, supermarkets, and even health food stores are usually not organic. Even if they are, they may contain fillers.

Oils that are not labeled organic may also have been expelled using hexane, which is a chemical with known toxic exposure effects. According to PubChem, “Chronic (long-term) exposure to hexane in air is associated with polyneuropathy in humans, with numbness in the extremities, muscular weakness, blurred vision, headache, and fatigue observed. Neurotoxic effects have also been exhibited in rats.”

Be sure to use only Organic oils, and that they are 100% oil (no fillers).

Ways to use the oils

There are many ways to use Essential Oils, but the best method to use varies with the specific oil and the symptoms you wish to address. The most commonly used methods include:

  • Massage into skin (blended with a carrier oil, such as jojoba, grapeseed, olive, or almond oil)
  • Add to bathwater
  • Using them in a hot compress
  • Heat in a diffuser
  • Rub a drop onto pulse points in lieu of perfume (some oils should be blended with a carrier oil, first)
  • Add to cleaning products or laundry
  • See also
  • Mercola’s Ultimate Guide to Herbal Oils (2) regarding methods for specific oils;
  •  Aromatherapy for Everyone, by P.J. Pierson and Mary Shipley is an excellent reference (5).

Therapeutic Recommendations for common complaints

The following is from Mercola’s articles on Essential Oils (1):

  • Stress: Lavender, lemon, bergamot, peppermint, vetiver, pine, and ylang ylang;
  • Insomnia: Lavender, chamomile, jasmine, benzoin, neroli, rose, sandalwood, sweet marjoram, and ylang ylang (avoid lemon, which has an invigorating effect);
  • Anxiety: Lavender, bergamot, rose, clary sage, lemon, Roman chamomile, orange, sandalwood, rose-scented geranium, and pine;
  • Low energy: Black pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, clove, angelica, jasmine, tea tree, rosemary, sage, and citrus;
  • Memory, Attention: Sage, peppermint, and cinnamon;
  • Pain: Lavender, chamomile, clary sage, juniper, eucalyptus, rosemary, peppermint, lavender, and green apple (especially for migraines);
  • Nausea, Vomiting: Mint, ginger, lemon, orange, ginger, dill, fennel, chamomile, clary sage, and lavender.


  1. Mercola on Essential Oils: and
  2. Mercola’s Ultimate Guide to Herbal Oils:
  3. NAHA, National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy:
  4. Aroma Web:
  5. Aromatherapy for Everyone, by P.J. Pierson and Mary Shipley; See Amazon ( for a peek inside
  6. The Truth About Cancer (TTAC):

About Cat

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