Fulvic and Humic Acids

By Cat, April 2018 (Fulvic and Humic Acid molecules, below, from PubChem (3) and Wikimedia Commons (2), respectively).

Fulvic Acid

Humic Acid







The Humic Acid diagram, right, is an example of a typical humic acid, having a variety of components including quinone, phenol, catechol and sugar moieties. (3) Over eons of time, it turns into Fulvic Acid as in the diagram, left.

Why are these important for our health? Because they are derived from composted life and thus support life, helping our gardens to grow and our bodies to thrive. They are also rich in chelated minerals, including trace minerals, so a couple years ago, I started taking them supplementally as my source for trace and other minerals.

Fulvic/Humic Acid complex is available in many forms including liquid or powdered supplements, and powdered form for enhancing your garden soil.

See also: 1. Natural Healing Remedies Menu; 2. Ty Bollinger’s article (1) about this important supplement. 

Importance of taking Fulvic/Humic Acids Supplementally

Most conventionally-raised foods do not provide all the nutrients – especially minerals – needed for good health. Regenerative agriculture (the new Organic) is working to improve that, but until regenerative methods are used throughout our food industry, taking fulvic/humic acid as a supplement, and using it on your garden, will support your health.

When you compost your food waste, the microbes naturally present on these foods begin breaking down the wastes. That process begins the formation of humic acids (the major component in humus), which is what gives well-composted soil it’s wonderful aroma. If left undisturbed for eons, that composted soil turns into ancient fulvic/humic deposits. These are very complex formations rich in a “vast number of naturally occurring bioactive substances. These include supercharged antioxidants, free-radical scavengers, powerful detoxifying enzymes known as superoxide dismutases (SOD), nutrients, hormones, amino acids, natural antibiotics, natural antivirals, and natural fungicides.” (1)

Here are just a few of the known benefits of fulvic/humic acid complex (1):

  • Acts to improve gut health; it includes nutrients that support the ability of beneficial gut bacteria to form a healthy microbiome in our bodies;
  • Is a natural chelator, helping other nutrients form our diet to be absorbed and transported to the cells where they are needed; this chelating ability helps to move toxic heavy metals out of the body;
  • Helps to improve our energy levels, primarily by supporting detox, reducing inflammation and free radical damage;
  • May protect us against diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease (from a 2011 study published in the Journal of alzheimer’s Disease (1a);
  • Significantly improves the symptoms associated with eczema, even when compared to other eczema treatments, from another 2011 stud (1a);
  • Help to restore the body’s optimal pH level, by alkalizing the body and preventing the formation of an overly acidic environment.



  1. Ty Bollinger on Fulvic Acid: (1a): thetruthaboutcancer.com/multivitamin-supplement and (1b): thetruthaboutcancer.com/health-benefits-fulvic-acid
  2. pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/fulvic_acid
  3. commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Humic_acid.svg

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