His & Hers: Matters of the Heart

by Catherine Haug, February 14, 2011 (originally written for The EssentiaList)

Clip art, right, from Webweaver’s Clip art (11)

On this Valentine’s Day, I’d like to draw your attention to the differences between men and women when it comes to matters of the heart.

I had a “false” heart attack (see Neuromuscular Spasms section below) on December 23, 2010 and spent the holiday weekend in the hospital. Until the results of the enzyme test came back, the doc didn’t think I’d had a heart attack, believing instead it was heartburn. Especially since my EKG was normal. My enzymes, however, told a different story. They were slightly elevated indicating I’d truly had a lapse of oxygen to my heart. I was checked into the hospital for the holiday weekend, for tests.

The results of those tests were good news: Echogram indicated normal size heart with no loss of muscle; Angiogram indicated no plaque in my arteries with no blockages and no need for stents. But what, then, caused the heart attack? And why did I recover so quickly?

It turns out that the hearts of men and women are different, and the cause for attacks in women can be entirely different from that in men. Because of this difference, women’s attacks are routinely dismissed as heartburn, pulled muscle, overwork, etc.. In short, women are not being diagnosed and treated for a problem that could kill them.

So, then, what are the differences?

Includes: 1. Symptoms: Men vs Women; 2. Why These Differences? 3. How to Lower Heart Attack Risk (section added April ’22)

Symptoms, Men vs Women

The classic heart attack symptoms, which are most typically seen in men, usually after exertion or stress, are:

  • Tingling or soreness in left arm;
  • Stabbing or crushing sensation in chest.

Women, on the other hand are more prone to a problem that occurs at rest, with no apparent provocation, and their symptoms can be quite different: (1, 2, 7)

  • Intermittent achiness and weakness, not necessarily in the chest;
  • Weakness in the arms;
  • Back pain
  • Flu-like symptoms;
  • Indigestion;
  • Sleep disturbances.

For more, see How To Detect A Heart Attack(7), which has excellent diagrams, and Men vs. Women: Confusion Over Heart Symptoms(8).

Why These Differences?

“[Women] are not just smaller versions of men. A wave of newer studies reveals that women’s unique chemical makeup combined with anatomical differences (such as smaller arteries and veins) affect how heart disease develops in us, how accurate diagnostic tests are, and how well we respond to certain medications.” (1)

Arterial plaque (atherosclerosis)

Women’s arteries may appear clear of plaque and blockages on an angiogram because only the larger arteries are viewed on this test. The smaller arteries and capillaries near the heart may be blocked or otherwise compromised, a condition known as microvascular disease(3). An exercise stress test or an MRI are better at detecting this problem.

Statinsare routinely prescribed in both men and women when blood cholesterol is elevated, to prevent heart attacks from clogged arteries. While very few women have been included in the testing of these drugs, a review of statistics between men and women in 2009 discovered (1):

  • For women, these drugs only significantly lower the risk of heart attack or death forewoman who already have heart disease. Statins do little to prevent heart disease in women.
  • Healthy men, on the other hand, do see a preventative benefit with statins.
  • Women have a greater risk than men of developing type 2 diabetes while on statins.

Neuromuscular problems

Not all heart attacks are caused by blood clots and arterial blockages from plaque buildup. Women over 50 are more prone than men to a condition known as vasospastic angina: the arteries go into temporary spasm, which can cause a momentary decrease in available oxygen. (4, 5)

“Estrogen affects how blood vessels narrow and widen and how they respond to injury, so changes in estrogen levels mean changes in the behavior of the blood vessels. Women’s vessels may be ‘programmed’ for more changes than men’s vessels, which could increase the risk of having problems in the lining of the arteries (endothelium) and the smooth muscles in the walls of the arteries.”(12)

There is significant evidence that a magnesium deficiency could be the underlying cause of this heart problem( 6), and is the mostly likely cause of my own heart attack. For this and other reasons, I take 80% magnesium chloride solution daily, which I get from a local compounding pharmacy.

Conventional medicine treats this problem with calcium channel blockers, which have severe side effects. Hormone therapy is another conventional option (12).

Emotional Stress

Stress is a known factor in heart attacks, for both men and women, as it increases blood pressure. Women experience greater levels of acute and chronic stress, and are at higher risk for depression than men, potentially putting women at greater risk from stress-induced heart attack than men.

Blood Clotting & Aspirin

The recommendation to take aspirin daily to reduce blood clotting and prevent a heart attack was based on studies of men. Now researchers are finding that this recommendation is ineffective for women under 65. (10) Other studies indicate the aspirin regimen is more effective at preventing stroke in women vs men; and at preventing heart attack in men vs women.

Natural Solutions

Ripening Hawthorn Berries (C. Haug photo)

Probably the best natural thing you can do for your heart is aerobic exercise, as it causes new arteries & capillaries to be constructed, creating new pathways for blood circulation to the heart muscle. A good brisk walk 3 – 5 days a week, will do the trick. If you are not used to exercise, start with alternating a brisk period with a normal pace during the walk.

The most commonly recommended herbal supplement for strengthening the heart is hawthorn(pictured above), a large shrub that is native to our area. The berries, blossoms and leaves all have positive effect on the health of the heart. See what Veronica Honthas had to say about hawthorn at our July 2010 gathering: Gathering Summary: Herbs and their Traditional Uses.

Another natural substance used by many is red yeast rice, from which statin drugs were first derived. However, be aware that this natural substance may also cause the same side effects and have the same limitations as statins (see above); for example, they may not be as effective for women as for men.

Magnesium(as mag citrate, mag chloride, etc.) can be added supplementally if you suspect you are magnesium deficient. It’s best to take it as a liquid solution. You can try Natural Calm, a powder you mix with water, or purchase magnesium chloride solution from a compounding pharmacist, mixing your dose with a glass of water [Contact Catherinefor more information on mag chloride]. See The Miracle of Magnesium, by Dr. Carolyn Dean(16) for more.

See also Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases with Chinese Herbs; Congestive Heart Failure and Other Cardiovascular Disorders of Aging(17).

How to Lower Heart Attack Risk

added on 4/3/22

The following notes are from a video by Andrew Peloquin video (a sales-pitch for his “CardioClear 7” (or Compound CSP) supplement that contains C0Q10,PQQ, and Shilajit). (I’ve added my own notes in square brackets [_]).

Mitochondria are important to keep the heart strong. Toxins can cause mitochondria to mutate and die off. He also discussed HDL vs LDL cholesterol and how oxidation causes plaques on artery walls.

He claims his supplement keeps:

  • blood flowing smoothly;
  • heart pumping strong;
  • [oops, I missed this one – sorry]

CSP’s ingredients:

  • C = CoQ10 (an antioxidant);
  • S = Shilajit (a mineral oil from ancient locations in the Himalayas); it’s minerals double the effect of CoQ10, and increase brain function [Cat’s note: shilajit has many more benefits as well];
  • P = PQQ, which grows new mitochondria.
  • [Also includes Other Ingredients such as stearic acid and magnesium stearate, which form bio-films in the intestines that can harbor parasites]

He emphasized that you need the right dosage of each ingredients (as included in his supplement):

CoQ10: 100 mg; Shilajit extract: 80 mg; and Pqq disodium salt: 10 mg.

Cat’s thoughts:

Because his supplement contains stearic acid/stearate, I looked for another supplement with the same main ingredients, and found Pure Therapro’s “MicroActive CoQ10” supplement which contains (per 1 capsule):

  • MicroActive CoQ10: 180 mg
  • Shilajit/Fulvic acid Complex: 100 mg
  • Micro-PQQ: 10 mg

I have been taking individual supplements of CoQ10 (as Ubiquinol), Micro-PQQ, and Fulvic acid tincture (without Shilajit), and that combo costs a lot more than the Pure Therapro’s combo supplement. So I’ve decide to give Pure Therapro’s MicroActive CoQ10 a try; plus I will continue to take Ubiquinol. Why? for younger people, the body converts CoQ10 to Ubiquinol, which is the bio-active form; but as people age – like me, that conversion decreases considerably, making it important to take ubiquinol supplementally.

Sources & References

  1. Better Homes and Gardens, February 2011: Ladies First, pp 176
  2. US Gov Info: Women’s Heart Attack Symptoms Different from Men’s(usgovinfo.about.com/cs/healthmedical/a/womensami.htm)
  3. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute: Coronary Microvascular Disease(www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/dci/Diseases/cmd/cmd_whatis.html)
  4. eMedicine on Web MD: Coronary Artery Vasospasm(emedicine.medscape.com/article/153943-overview)
  5. Medicine Online: Vasospastic Angina – Coronary Artery Spasm(www.medicineonline.com/articles/v/2/vasospastic-angina/coronary-artery-spasm.html)
  6. Pub Med: Magnesium content of erythrocytes in patients with vasospastic angina(www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1888691)
  7. Holistic Online: How To Detect A Heart Attack(www.holisticonline.com/remedies/heart/heart_attack_identifying.htm)
  8. Web MD: Men vs Women; Confusion Over Heart Symptoms(www.webmd.com/heart-disease/news/20050218/men-vs-women-confusion-over-heart-symptoms)
  9. National Institutes of Health: WISE Study of Women and Heart Disease Yields Important Findings On Frequently Undiagnosed Coronary Syndrome(www.nhlbi.nih.gov/new/press/06-01-31.htm)
  10. Aspirin for Women: Yes or No?(www.webmd.com/heart-disease/news/20070326/aspirin-for-women-yes-or-no)
  11. Webweaver.nu(www.webweaver.nu/clipart/valentines/hearts3.shtml)
  12. Heart Healthy Women.org: Cardiac Syndrome-X (Vasospastic Angina)(www.hearthealthywomen.org/cardiovascular-disease/cardiac-syndrome-x/cardiac-syndrome-x.html)
  13. Women to Women: Heart disease in women: a new understanding(www.womentowomen.com/heartdiseaseandstroke/default.aspx)
  14. ABC news: Chinese Red Yeast Rice May Prevent Heart Attack(abcnews.go.com/Health/Healthday/story?id=5071664&page=1)
  15. Associated Content: Red Yeast Rice, Cholesterol and Heart Disease(www.associatedcontent.com/article/2501427/red_yeast_rice_cholesterol_and_heart.html?cat=68)
  16. Mercola: The Miracle of Magnesium, by Dr. Carolyn Dean(articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2004/08/07/miracle-magnesium.aspx) and Magnesium Miracle, by Dr. Carolyn Dean(drcarolyndean.com/magnesium_miracle)
  17. Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases with Chinese Herbs; Congestive Heart Failure and Other Cardiovascular Disorders of Aging(www.itmonline.org/arts/cardfail.htm)

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